From James's Wiki

The Certbot from the repos is old...there was some security issue that forced them to shut down something that the old version uses to create security certificates so it doesn't work anymore. the following instructions works around all that

sudo apt install letsencrypt
apt-get -t stretch-backports install certbot
sudo apt install python3-certbot-apache

the following is to get the certbot-auto script and get it running

chmod a+x ./certbot-auto

NOTE: not sure if certbot-auto is working..

to add sites manually:

sudo certbot --apache -d -d

to test renew:

sudo certbot renew --dry-run

certbot renew errors

if you get a bunch of " failed authorization procedure" erros on renew it might be because in the site-name-le-ssl.conf file there are 2 virtual hosts defined. get rid of the <VirtualHost *:80> section